How can I know which Unix group my project corresponds to when I am attached to more than one project?

To identify the Unix group which corresponds to the project which interests you (notably for the accounting of computing hours), you need to combine the information returned to you by the idracct and idrproj commands.

The idracct command

The idracct command lists all the projects to which you are attached. Each project has an internal IDRIS project number (different from the DARI number).

For example, if you are Jean Petit and you are attached to two projects, you will have a return such as:

$ idracct

                           PROJET 123456 SUR JEAN-ZAY

 CPU (du 01-11-2019 au 31-10-2020)                   Allocation : 1000000 h.cpu
  Compte   Proprietaire                    Consommation Nb travaux Remboursement
  -------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- -------------
  login00  PETIT_Jean                          30000.00       1500             -
  login01  DURAND_Marie                        20000.00       1000             -
  -------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- -------------
                                   Totaux      50000.00       2500          0.00
                              Utilisation          5.00%           

                           PROJET 654321 SUR JEAN-ZAY

 V100 (du 01-12-2020 au 31-11-2022)                    Allocation : 20000 h.gpu
  Compte   Proprietaire                    Consommation Nb travaux Remboursement
  -------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- -------------
  login00  PETIT_Jean                           3000.00        150             -
  login02  DUBOIS_Pascal                        2000.00        100             -
  -------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- -------------
                                   Totaux       5000.00        250          0.00
                              Utilisation         25.00%

Note : « Nb travaux » in the above example refers to the number of jobs.

With this information, you should be able to identify the project which interests you based on the associated members and the corresponding allocation.

In the above example, the project for which you received 1000000 CPU hours in collaboration with Marie Durand is shown to have the internal IDRIS project number 123456.

This information must then be combined with the return of the idrproj command as explained below.

The idrproj command

The Unix groups to which you belong are listed and associated to the internal IDRIS project numbers by the idrproj command. For example :

$ idrproj
Available projects:
  abc (123456) [default][active]
  def (654321)

The Unix groups are indicated in the first column (here abc and def) and the corresponding internal IDRIS project numbers appear in parentheses.

In this example, project number 123456 corresponds to the abc Unix group.