Jean Zay: The SuiteSparse library


SuiteSparse is a collection of sparse matrix algorithms. This library includes the tools GraphBLAS, UMFPACK, CHOLMOD, SPQR, and many others.

Installed versions

SuiteSparse is available in sequential, parallel (multithread) and GPU versions.

Version 5.3.0 compiled with Intel 19.0.4

Version 5.3.0 compiled with Intel 19.0.4 and OpenMP

GPU Version:
Version 5.3.0 compiled with Intel 19.0.4 and CUDA 9.2


The library is accessible with the module command.

To load the sequential version:

$ module load suite-sparse/5.3.0

To load the parallel version:

$ module load suite-sparse/5.3.0-omp

To load the GPU version:

$ module load suite-sparse/5.3.0-cuda

To know which versions are installed on the machine:

$ module avail suite-sparse


At the compilation, it is necessary to add a link to the SuiteSparse library to activate: -lcholmod, -lspqr, etc.
