Jean Zay: Slurm commands
Jobs are managed on all the nodes by the software Slurm .
- To submit a submission script:
$ sbatch script.slurm
- To monitor jobs which are waiting or in execution:
$ squeue -u $USER
This command displays information in the following form:
JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 235 part_name test abc R 00:02 1 r6i3n1
JOBID: Job identifier
PARTITION: Partition used
NAME: Job name
USER: User name of job owner
ST: Status of job execution ( R=running, PD=pending, CG=completing )
TIME: Elapsed time
NODES: Number of nodes used
NODELIST: List of nodes used
- To obtain complete information about a job (allocated resources and execution status):
$ scontrol show job $JOBID
- To cancel an execution:
$ scancel $JOBID
- A complete reference table of Slurm commands is available here .
- In case of a problem on the machine, the SLURM default configuration is such that the running jobs are automatically restarted from scratch. If you want to avoid this behavior, you should use the
option in the submission process, that is, submit your job doing
$ sbatch --no-requeue script.slurm
or add the line
$SBATCH --no-requeue
in your submission script.