Scientific management of Resources
Allocating computing hours for the three national computing centres (CINES, IDRIS and TGCC), is organized under the coordination of GENCI (Grand Équipement National de Calcul Intensif).
Requests for resources are made through eDARI portal, the common web site for the three computing centres.
Requests may be submitted for calculation hours for new projects, to renew an existing project or to request supplementary hours. These hours are valuable for one year.
Depending on the number of requested hours, the file will be considered as a regular access file (accés régukier) or a dynamique access file (accès dynamique)
- Regular access: the request computing resources are possible at any time during the year but the evaluation of the dossier is semi-annual in May and November. The proposals are examined from a scientific perspective by the Thematic Committees members who draw on the technical expertise of the centres application assistance teams as needed. Subsequently, an evaluation committee meets to decide upon the resource requests and make approval recommendations to the Attribution Committee, under the authority of GENCI, for distributing computing hours to the three national centres.
- Dynamique access: The requests are validated by the IDRIS director who evaluats scientific and technic quality of the proposal and eventualy ask for the advice from a scientific thematic comittee expert.
In both case, IDRIS management studies the requests for supplementary resources as needed (“demandes au fil de l'eau”) and attributes limited hours in order to avoid the blockage of on-going projects.
For more information, you can consult Requesting resource hours on IDRIS machine web page.
You also have access to a short video about resources allocation and account opening on Jean Zay on our YouTube channel "Un œil sur l'IDRIS" (it is in French but automatic subtitles work quite properly):
The Scientific Thematic Committees (and keywords):
1. Environmental sciences
Climatic, atmospheric and oceanic modelling. Planetary atmospheric modelling. Geophysical data analyses. Data assimilation and predictability. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. Marine biogeochemistry. Functioning and evolution of terrestrial ecosystems. Soil hydrology.
2a. Non-reactive fluid flows
Dynamics of compressible flows. Hydrodynamics. Steady and unsteady aerodynamics. Rotating flows. Heat transfer and forced convection. Natural convection.
2b. Reactive or multiphase flows
Multiphase flow interfaces. Phase changes in fluid flows. Complex flows and rheology. Turbulent combustion. Modelling and simulation of reactive flows. Combustion chemical kinetics and flame structure. Non-equilibrium flow dynamics. Plasma and electric arcs.
3. Biology and biomedical science
Particle/tissue interaction and calculation by Monte Carlo methods. Nanotechnology in therapeutics. Medical imaging (acquisition and treatment). Computer-aided tools for medical decision making. Bioinformatics. Genomics. Human body modelling. Biomechanics. Physiological flow dynamics. Modelling and simulation of physiological systems. Epidemiology and population dynamics.
4. Astrophysics and geophysics
Cosmology. Galaxy, star, and planetary system formation. Gravitational system dynamics. Modelling of astrophysical objects (non-fluid/non-chemical). Geophysical and planetary plasmas. Internal geophysics. Soil hydrology. Geomaterials.
5. Theoretical and plasma physics
Electromagnetics. Lattice QCD. Quantum chaos. Electrical properties of solids. Nuclear physics. Wave- and light-matter interactions. Hot plasmas. Magnetic and inertial fusion sciences.
6. Computer science, algorithms and mathematics
Network. Middleware. Algorithms for parallelism. Linear algebra. Partial Differential Equations. Signal analysis. Data storage and analyses. Visualization.
7. Molecular dynamics applied to biology
Structure. Molecular dynamics. Macromolecule interactions. Macromolecular chemistry. Structure-Function Relationships. Biopolymers. Interfaces. Heterogeneous materials. Self-assembly. Replication.
8. Quantum chemistry and molecular modelling
Electrical properties of molecules and solids. Structures. Reactivity. Ab initio calculations. Semi-empirical calculations. Car Parinello quantum dynamics. Quantum MonteCarlo (QMC) calculations. Liquid state. Solvation. Molecular diffusion. Collisions (ion molecules, electrons). Quantum dynamics. Wave packet evolution.
9. Physics, chemistry and material properties
First-principles computation of atomistic, mesoscale, and multiscale modelling. Phase stability and cohesion in solids, diffusion, and phase transformations. Structural and dynamic properties of disordered systems. First-principles spectroscopy. Materials design, high-throughput computation. Relations between materials properties and microstructure. Electronic and photonic materials, energy materials, nano and biomaterials, granular materials, multifunctional architecture materials.
10. Artificial intelligence and transversal computation applications
Systems engineering, energy, neutronics, radiation protection, other computation-intensive applications. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data mining. Transversal applications of machine learning and data analysis, human and social sciences.